Jackie's Journey "Silent Promises?"

We live up a narrow gorge that stretches from the valley floor with its ocean and sandy beach to the top of the hill over-looking the harbor.  My desk sits at a window that has a view to an island 26 miles away.  Currently, I am watching the fog blanketing the coastline, bringing a cool breeze into our torched summer afternoon.  Watching the birds ride the currents is a regular distraction and preoccupation.

 I  was watching a large hawk sweep down across the pool in the backyard.  As he  ascended high up  into the sky above the valley below, he screeched loudly, over and over.  I observed this magnificent creature ride the current up and down…back and forth.  A  short time later, he swooped down into our yard again…only this time…he was silent

 He had a snake dangling from his talons!

 “God provides for the cattle and

for the young ravens …when they call out!”

 Psalm 147:9

 I paused and realized…  I am that helpless raven that is found “crying out”. Totally dependent on God, placing  my faith continually on His promises and unfailing love!  Whether with no communication with the outside world in the jungles of Panama or here, in the U.S., with way to many ways to communicate.  The most important line of communication to keep open is that with the “King of Kings”!

 There are three common characteristics in the lives of our heroes of faith.  The first is their total dependence on God.  The second is they cried out to God first and then obeyed. And lastly, they courageously walked through the door of fear and doubt to experience the joy of genuine faith.

 Everything in life is a faith issue.

 “Faith is dead to doubts; dumb to discouragement;

blind to impossibilities”.

 We live in a hurricane with endless noise and activity.  Hearing the voice of God speaking to us when we cry out is a cherished and coveted practice, because He whispers in the quietness of our consciousness as His Word is read and His truth dwells richly in us.

 Are you listening for His whisper?   

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on September 4, 2023 and filed under character and virtue, womanhood, motherhood.