Posts filed under spiritual growth

Jackie's Journey "Living An Illusion?"

‘Take My yoke upon you and learn of me…!” Matt. 11:29


How would you describe your Christian walk?  Up and down, peaks and valleys?  Good days and bad days?   Would you characterize your spiritual life as vibrant and free or continually battling your self-life (your personal rights, depression, unresolved relationships, entitlement…)?   Are you living a “Christian illusion”?

 If you want to learn of me, put your head in the yoke!

What?!  No way!  Who does that?



  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and

                   I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn

                   from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you

                   will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and

                   my burden light”!    (Matt. 11:28-30)               


 The Church will instruct us

The Bible will inform us

Prayer will empower and direct us.

But only…The Yoke will teach us how to live

and respond “in the Spirit” to life situations on a continual basis.

 Ezekiel 37:1-6 is a lesson on a “valley of dry bones”.  What does that have to do with my spiritual walk, you ask?  Lots!  Spiritual deadness is a permeating and engulfing phenomenon in our culture, churches, homes and hearts.  It sort of swallows us up like a tsunami!  Biblical Christianity is defined by our consistent attitudes in life practice.

 We carry seeds of decay through disobedience and rebellion toward God (i.e. anger, jealousy, self-love…).  We have adopted patterns through wrong influences and teachings (friends, music, ungodly worldviews, Hollywood, social media...).  Maybe we have been a believer since we cannot remember BUT there are places where we really do NOT know our own need.  Our life has become an illusion of biblical Christianity.  There is a measure of self-confidence and pride built on our bones…

 God says, “I will make breath enter you and you will come to life”.  God works out of Death!   Death to self!  His desire is to breathe life into our dead bones, moment by moment.     No illusion here…

 An illusion is a lie; it is not real.  Disillusionment with our daily walk is a gift of God… a challenge to enter into the yoke with Him and His rest... learning from His gentle and humble heart.

 There are two yokes: 

    1) The yoke with Christ and righteous purposes

    2) The yoke with Satan and his kill, steal and destroy (life) purposes  (Jn.10:10)                  


We choose who is in the yoke with us with every choice we make!


My husband asked me if every choice I make is a spiritual one?  For the life of me, I could not think of a single one that is not!  Can you think of one that is not a deliberate choosing of one kingdom or the other? 

 By taking Christ’s yoke upon us, we yield our right to do as we please, and we learn the wishes and commands of Christ our leader.

 God is not nearly concerned with what we are going through as He is with our response to what we go through.  His chief concern is that our attitude becomes consistent with His Son.  The question is:  Who do you choose to be in the yoke with you today?   There are only two choices! 

 Choose wisely, young mothers, little ones are watching and stepping into the same yoke with you.

“ It was for freedom that Christ set us free:

therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again

to a yoke of slavery (law/sin).”   Galatians 5: 1

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Terror to Trust!"

“The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.”

Psa. 142:11


My introduction to our new life in the village Pucuro was a “Shocker”.   My youngest daughter’s   disappearance from my arms in those first moments after arriving on the riverbank caused my entire being to experience sheer terror… my first anxiety attack!

 However…skipping that one-day would have been the loss of a life-lesson that changed my life!

 Missionary Boot Camp training had been deliberate in preparing me for this crisis.  My mind was reminded of the reason why we had come and the promise I had claimed two years prior to the moment I was living now!  “…Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease without fear of harm.”  The verse worked so well when we lived in the states!  Proverbs 1:33 is written by the “wisest” man that ever lived and it had always given me courage to keep on.

 Have you ever claimed a promise from God and then panicked when put to the test?

 Two men from our mission had contacted these unreached tribal people two years before.  The Kunas had asked for someone to come and bring them the medicine and help they needed to keep their babies from dying at birth.  Some of the mothers were weakened by tuberculosis.  There were multiple infections and parasites of every kind…would someone answer that call?

 Well…we answered…and they had taken my baby!

 My heart sank as I scanned the agitated crowd in the dimness of the dark night.  Certainly, no electricity here!  Pitch black, drenched bodies, dark faces, barking dogs, slushy mud path and no baby.  My heart pounding and unaware of my personal discomfort or how I must sound, I stood dripping wet in a downpour, screeching in a foreign tongue…calling into the wind for my lost child.

 Completely overwhelmed by my loss I saw someone slip out of the darkness and run in my direction.  Stretching over people she placed my tiny girl back into my waiting arms.  I now had both babies against my breast and I breathed a sigh of incomprehensible relief, whispering a prayer of gratefulness to my God who keeps His promises! 

 “He holds victory in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk blameless for He guards the course of the just and He protects the way of His faithful ones.” Proverbs 2:7,8

 Paul Little in “How to Give Away Your Faith”, wrote, “The statement that God is in control is either true or it’s not true.  But if it is true and we accept God’s revelation of Himself, our faith enables us to enjoy and rest in the certainty of His providence (will),” regardless of the circumstance!  I stood up and turned to face my new reality and walked through the door of my brand-new jungle life!

 It was good it was too dark to know who had inadvertently brought such distress to my spirit that night…but bless her, that same person had been used to quickly bring me to the throne of Grace for a thorough evaluation of my personal commitment to His “calling”! 

 Gratefully, as a young mother, I was given the opportunity very early to place my heritage in the hands of an all-knowing God.  He had again asked me to “count the cost”.  I stopped wanting to “skip” life-lessons and began embracing them. I claimed those powerful promises in the Word that had always been applied to others and now…were all mine!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on June 12, 2023 and filed under womanhood, motherhood, Being a Wife, spiritual growth.

Jackie's Journey "Point of Decision!"

Taken just before leaving for our village…Christina (three years) and Kim (4 months)

 I was reminded recently of a lesson God gave me many years ago that “whoever listens to me(God speaking) will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.” Proverbs 1:33  What a promise!  And I was listening and banking on it, as we loaded into in a long dug-out canoe bound for a small Indian village 8 hours upriver, buried in the deep Darien jungle.  It would take a day’s journey winding up the Tuira river and the heavens just opened up with a driving rain storm with the river rising by the hour! It was to be our introduction into our new life among the indigenous Kuna’s who lived at the headwaters of the Pucuro River near the Colombian border of Panama. 

The Tuira River

 Hang on to your hats…this was one day in my life I could have skipped! 

Ever had those days???

 Dusk was cascading over the torrential waters, enveloping our dugout into the dark silence of the unknown jungle.  Along the mangrove-lined shoreline we could hear twigs breaking and see shadows of what appeared to be dark, naked bodies racing us to the remote landing in the deep stillness.

 For eight hours we had traveled upriver unceasingly, pressing on against the rapidly rising flow of the Tuira River through lightning bolts, thunder and rain.  The river had risen 8 feet as we fought the current in our long journey up the contiguously inaccessible jungle waters.  Our goal to reach this isolated Indian village on the Colombian border in Panama was now within our reach!

 Underneath the makeshift tarp that protected us from the worst of the violent storm were two little girls.  One, almost three, was exceedingly excited and could not wait to get out of the wet boat and the other, just a few months old, was securely wrapped in my arms.  Our piragua was piled high with everything we would need for the next six months!

 The boat brusquely hit the bank and as I stood, dripping wet, hungry and tired, I came face to face with all the unknowns that had brought us to this sandy beach. Without warning, the warm little bundle in my arms was tersely yanked from me and quickly disappeared into the darkness of the night!!  I, immediately, grabbed my once excited and happy three-year-old by the hand.  She was now very confused.  Her contentment was exchanged for eyes full of fear!  I pulled her close to me and began calling for my baby…

 In that instant, the crowd pushed and shoved us up a short trail that led to our mud-floored, bark-walled house.  My insistent calls for my lost child were ignored and unanswered. 

 As I stepped over the threshold of our unfinished new home, the rats…at least I prayed they were rats!... scurried among the barrels that had been sent a month ahead of us and now stored our rice and dried beans in the very open tin-roofed room.  The sound of rain on that roof was deafening!

 My worst fear had come upon me…Job 3:25,26.  I screamed again into the crowd for my tiny daughter and again received no response.  I lifted my three-year-old into my arms and determinedly turned to walk back through the crowd down to the river’s edge!

Where had my baby gone?   Who had taken her?!

   Immediately, my panic turned to terror…

 The familiar promise in Proverbs 1:33 eluded me.  “…whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”

 What was happening?  Why had God allowed this?

  I was instantly reminded that there are three Biblical Principles regarding trials:

 1.   Trials are common to all of us.  No one escapes unscathed. 1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has seized you except what is common to men.  And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”  No excuses and no victims here! The real question is not why, but “Why not, Jackie, don’t you trust me?!  I will never leave you or forsake you…listen to ME, not your circumstances!

 2. Trials are given with divine purpose and will pass.1 Peter 1:6 “In this you may greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.”

 3. Trials are life-lessons NOT to be wasted!  James 1:4 “...perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

 C.S. Lewis wrote in “The Great Divorce”, “There are two kinds of people:  Those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your own way.’”

 I was standing at the point of decision! My options were limited…

What is your attitude toward the trials in life?  Which kind of person are you?


Join me next Monday for my decision…think about yours…

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Crisis of Conscience!"

As a “Christian” nation, we face the unbelievable turmoil and chaos that stems from hearts that are cold and indifferent toward the things of God.  The sacrifice of the permanent on the altar of the immediate is rampant. Wrong choices are everywhere. In our homes, churches, universities, communities…

 “A seared conscience is one whose warning voice has been suppressed and perverted habitually, so that eventually instead of serving as a guide, it only confirms the person in his premeditatedly evil course.”  I Timothy 4: 2 Robert Little 

 The conscience is the ten commandments written on the hearts of man and is our moral law within. Romans 2:14-15 It is the capacity that is filled by the Holy Spirit and desires control at salvation.  “Though every believer has the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit does not have every believer,” A. W. Tozer “God put within each of us something that cries aloud against us, whenever we do what we know to be wrong.  It is the detective that watches the direction of our steps and decries every conscious transgression. 

Conscience is a vigilant eye before which each imagination, thought and act is held up for either censure or approval. There is no greater proof of the existence of a moral law and lawgiver in the universe than this little light of the soul.  It is God’s voice to the inner man.  Conscience is our wisest counselor and teacher, our most faithful and most patient friend.” Billy Graham

 “God commands us to be filled with the Holy Spirit; and if we are not filled, it is because we are living beneath our privileges.  If you have been born of the Holy Spirit, you will not have to serve God…it will become the natural thing to do.” D.L. Moody “It is impossible for one to despair who remembers that his helper is omnipotent!” Jeremy Taylor

“A person’s conscience, like a warning sign on the highway,

tells us what we shouldn’t do…but it does not keep us from doing it.” Frank Clark


The choice is always ours!!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Storms May Come and Go...BUT!" (Conclusion)

Spring and Summer announce time for outdoors and new adventures. After an eventful first day and night on board our floating house, the morning came early and everyone, except Ralph and I, loaded into the speedboat to water ski, wake board…etc.  The lake was calm, smooth as glass, and our vacation was now in full swing.  We watched the fast boat disappear.  For hours Ralph and I enjoyed the silence and beauty of the lake.  Another boat had pulled onto our ridge sometime in the night and we were looking for an opportunity to meet them.

 Out of nowhere, our solitude was interrupted by a sudden strong gust of wind that instantly came over the waters.  I was reminded that our God is Sovereign and controls the waters and the wind. The waves were rapidly peaking at 5’!  Our boat began to rock and sway. The next thing we knew…the moorings pulled loose from the sandbar and we were thrust into the lake…backwards, propelled toward the cliff behind us! 

 As the boat pitched and we picked up speed…my first thought was, “The kids are on the open water…where are they?”  and then… “Could we replace this massive beast if it crashed into the jagged cliffs surrounding it and sunk?!”  “Worry is assuming a responsibility that God never intended for me to have…”

 Ralph was on his feet and immediately took off like a bullet!

 On a dead run, he looked over his shoulder and, in an effort, to calm my fears, yells,” Don’t panic, Jackie…safety is in the Lord!” The promise I needed. “Those who respect the Lord will have security, and their children will be protected”. Pro. 14: 26 This event had touched HIM first and had been given with divine purpose…no reason to worry or fret!  My husband jumps the ten feet or more to the shoreline and grabs the rope that has slipped into the lake.  All the moorings were now lying flat on the sandbar!

 “Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.” Pro. 3:25-26

As I am drifting, alone, out into the lake, the neighbors we had not yet seen, came running toward our landing.  Are you familiar with the verse that says, “and with the temptation (me…on the brink of near panic), HE will give a way of escape”?  The stranger leaps into the lake and jumps on board with me!  He grabs the wheel, starts the engine and points the “ark” toward shore. He, then, instantly disappears over-board to help Ralph, yelling back to me, “keep the engine running and aim it for the sandbar!”

 His wife began shouting, “accelerate and hit the sandbar as hard and fast as you can!” That was the most logical and easiest command I had obeyed in a long time…I full-throttled that massive, flat-nosed craft “up onto” the sand, not realizing the job was so well done, it took eight campers to get us loose the day we left!!

 The storm was raging and the rocking boat was once again secured, but our children and grandchildren were still out on the open water.  Had they found refuge in a cove or were they trying to get back to us?  “Jesus Christ is no security AGAINST storms, but HE is perfect IN storms.” L.B. Cowan

 Ralph and I watched across the lake…praying.  The storm raged on. Within an hour we heard in the distance an outboard motor and through the mist saw our heritage coming toward us. They had fought the wind, waves and strong current and God had brought them to us safely.  The excited stories shared by my grandchildren that day were a grandma’s nightmare!

 As quickly as the storm hit, the wind subsided and calmness was restored.  The next few days were a tranquil dream…and a memory that will last a lifetime.  “We will steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God.” Francis de Sales

 Lest I fail to put real courage into perspective, “when John Huss was about to be burned to death, they asked him to give up his teachings.  Huss answered, ‘what I have taught with my lips, I now seal with my blood’”.  That is REAL courage!

 Let’s face these days and this week courageously…

trusting our Sovereign God who is in control and calms the storms in life.

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Can a Promise Become a Reality?"

Once born, a wildebeest calf has 15 minutes to stand and run with the adult herd, or it will be killed by predators (usually, hyenas).  The wildebeest mother will take on a pack of hyenas and sacrificially, single-handedly fight…until death, to preserve the life of her calf. (Bill Gothard, Character Sketches) There are countless “hyenas” that will be used to devour the life of these God is entrusting into our care.               

What is our commitment!??

Our Alertness to His Will and His Way Is Imperative!

Being intentional is our only option!

“Life is a stewardship; not an ownership; A TRUST; NOT A GIFT. With a gift you may do as you please; but with a trust you must give an account (Ephesians 2:10).  God holds us responsible. We will answer to HIM!

AND…Time is short!!

 The journey of life brings trials, triumphs, tragedy and achievement.  Through all of this, a dedicated mother’s love remains constant.  Would you consider yourself to be a dedicated mom: a mom that is committed to the success of your child first, above yourself? I know we are fraught with the demanding activities and social media that keep us exhausted from one day to the next; but are we, through it all, rejoicing mom’s that keep the ultimate goal in view?  By the way, what is your “ultimate goal”?  Do your children view the goal and actively participate, involved in “giving” of themselves or are they “me first”, “takers”, full of entitlement?

  Let me encourage you with all that you are in Christ and to give you the promise He left with all of us that bear the titleMOTHER: “Faithful is He who calls you, who will also do it.” I Thes. 5: 24 However, it is a conditional promise…we have to let HIM!  On that day of accountability there will be NO excuses!    This is our call to action

HOW DO WE DO THIS??  Where do we start?

 When I think “steps of action” I think work, HARD WORK!  In that same thought comes the comfort of new direction and hope for a positive change.  In the introduction of our Princess Parable Blog site, we looked back at 2014 only to find 2015 “approaching with stomping feet demanding Action” …Steps of ACTION!

 Are you ready, Mom’s?  Here is a test of our dedication and commitment…

 1) Do we “Walk Our Talk?!”  Or do we make excuses for our wrong responses!  Do we call impatience what it really is…ANGER? And how about overuse of social media…CHILD NEGLECT?  Or MISSED OPPORTUNITY?!  There are no “socially acceptable sins” … Rudeness is self-first; Discouragement (or “I deserve better”) is Entitlement (the very attitude we battle in our children!)  Purpose to pursue holiness; moment-by-moment… Mothers of conviction, not compromise!

 (2) Are we open to Teachable Moments? Please note: Most interruptions are the teachable moments!  Purpose to take advantage of the moments we are least wanting to take advantage of!

 (3) Are we Intentional and Consistent?  All decisions we make carry a consequence…positive or negative.  Purpose to teach your child this truth and in doing so, enable him/her to learn to hear the voice of God.  Dial your life into the kingdom of God…Have HIS purpose wrapped in HIS WILL, not your own!

 (4) Are we Character-focused? Note the attitude in which the words or eyes are speaking to you…read your child’s spirit and you will identify the REAL NEED!

 (5) Are we Grateful…regardless of the circumstance?  Gratefulness wards off discouragement.

 (6) Are we Diligently Prayerful? Lamentations 2:19 “Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord.  Lift up your hands to HIM for the life of your child”!

 The definition of the word “purpose” means “resolute,

unwavering, deliberate” …Commitment requires sacrifice.

 Whether a bush nurse, a missionary mom, a city mom, or whatever our title may be…each of us is called to be a godly mother with a profound and sacrificial love for our children.  The calling is to “count the cost” and to love with the purpose of making these entrusted to us more successful than we could ever be for HIS glory!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Thorns and Thistles!"

“By His wounds we are healed”.  Isa. 53

 This Friday is Good Friday!  The cross is the center of our commemorating the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  His selfless and sinless sacrifice in our place is our reason to celebrate and praise His Name.  We call the holiday Easter and for a moment in time we stop and rehearse His ultimate sacrifice…His life for ours on that thorny and thistled “old rugged cross”.  Not only did he die for us but also on the third day He rose from the dead and gave us the promise of a resurrected life after death! 

 This deliberate and divine act of love was to give our lives promise, plan and purpose.  We are destined and programmed to serve others first, not ourselves.   In our Easter release to the Princess Parable Series, “A Royal Easter Story”, we have introduced our five young knights who present a challenge that draws our young princesses into a chariot race that reveals the truth of what the cross teaches. 

 Do you live a life selflessly and sacrificially serving others?

 We cannot be consumed with a life that seeks its own and find life abundantly.  It is an impossibility.  Local churches open their doors on Good Friday to give us the opportunity to take a personal account of our commitment to our first love and renew our loyalty to live as Jesus challenges us to live…Holy!  We are reminded to live serving others, as He did, with eternal values and purpose in view.

 As women, we are dedicated to living and then, teaching the character of Christ to our little princes and princesses.  We focus on drawing their attention to the importance of serving, helping and caring for others.  That is why we find ourselves saying, “Can you comfort your little brother” or “Will you help mommy?”  Teaching by example, without excuse, is the most powerful tool in our toolbox!  We are “known and read” by these little eyes and ears.  They know if the cross is real in us, or not.  We don’t fool them, but we do confuse them when our life message does not speak the reality of Christ in us!

 Are your little ones confused?

 “Then said Jesus to his disciples, IF any man will come after me,

 let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

Matt. 16: 24

 The cross holds the hope of humanity.  Denying self-life (our pride and selfishness in all its ugly forms)…and taking up His cross (His desires and His perfect Will for us)…  authenticates His life in us.  Living life consistently with no unconfessed sin and nothing between us and another person enables us to follow Him.  “His crucifixion is the key; His resurrection the door…it is only by His death that we have the mandate to enter into the gates of eternal life.  His door is open always.  Christ is King.”  Isrealmore Ayivor

  “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live;

yet not I, but Christ lives in me:

and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God,

who loved me, and gave himself for me?”

Gal.  2: 20

“There are no crown-bearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.”

Charles H. Spurgeon

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Unconventional Springboard!"

What do you do with temptation?

Do you believe that everything God created is for God’s Glory?

 Does that include Satan?

 Then, how do you think Satan is used to glorify God?

 John 10:10 says that Satan has come to do ONLY three things…steal, kill and destroy. 

Steal our joy, contentment…

Kill our ambitions, goals…

Destroy our life, our destiny our purpose…

 The word ONLY needs to be understood.  It’s inclusive, all-encompassing and means…ONLY…No more and no less! God has limited Satan in his scope and ability to those three paradigms. Therefore, the big secret to this is, “How do we use Satan, instead of him using us!!

 How do you use Satan for the glory of God?

 Satan’s means of communicating to us is through temptation, using ideas (my husband calls them thought bombs!). Our job is to acknowledge the temptation and use that as “a springboard to pray”. For instance, a lustful thought comes…we know if we follow it, it leads us too nowhere good or profitable. 

Our response needs to be:  Take the temptation as a signal (a red flag warning) to pray for the same unsaved person for his/her salvation for each specific temptation.  That prayer is using Satan for God’s glory!  HOW?  By forcing Satan to build our prayer life!

 Once you’ve done that, you have neutralized Satan’s power in your life, because he has only come to steal, kill and destroy.  So, he has no choice but to leave you alone.  Your consistency in resisting him in this way sets you free to serve others.   

 Most believers spend their time playing Satan’s game… (I tempt you; I make you feel guilty and weak and convince you that God cannot give you victory or the joy of your salvation).

 What do you do with Satan’s scheme to destroy you?

 The “gates” of hell will not prevail against the church (believers). Matt. 16: 18 The idea is “the door” (that separates the church from hell) does not chase anyone; but now, with Satan in his place; we can open that door and rescue some of the lost. 

 We are, now, actively using Satan to develop our prayer life and glorify God!

 How long did your New Year’s resolutions last?

 Do you have a nagging pattern in your life that needs breaking

or a hidden area in your life

 that you just can’t seems to get victory?


I challenge you, this week, to use “the springboard for prayer” …

(Study Given by Pastor Ralph Johnson)

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey ""Don't Panic!"

If you have been following me or know me, you are aware of the “fear factor” that revealed itself, as I became more and more transparent in the early days of living in the jungle. Fear of death by arrow or fear of huge scorpions, snakes or spiders is not where we are going with this blog. But the fear issue of being creatures with natural fears is the springboard for where we are going. Why do we have a “fear response” at all?

 Reflecting glory back to God with my fear has been a profitable exercise of faith in understanding the purpose of it to begin with.  Why is fear so prevalent and practiced?  Why is it misused and abused?  When you look at what we face in our families, churches, communities, nationally and globally, you get a clearer picture of how we have been deceived.

 The directive has always been to fear one thing only.  That would certainly simplify the “fear” issue, wouldn’t it?  We are told to “Fear God”!   Fear the consequence of sin.   Why do I need to fear God? Isn’t His very character loving and protective? Why would I fear God?

 There is a very good reason this should be a top contender of consideration.  We are told that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Pro. 1: 7 I gain knowledge of biblical truth by “fearing the Lord!”

 Let’s let the Bible define what it means “to fear the Lord”.  “It is to hate evil, pride, and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.” Prov. 8: 13 The greatest visible evidence of our fearing God is simple obedience to what He says in His Word.

 Ladies, this means no “acceptable sins” are permitted:

·      No Deception

·      No Covetousness

·      No Fearfulness

·      No Loneliness

·      No Stinginess

·      No Dominance

·      No Double-mindedness

·      No Disrespect

·      No Slothfulness

·      No Presumption

·      No Apathy

·      No Hypocrisy

·      No Extravagance

·      No Wastefulness

·      No Anger

·      No Rudeness

·      No Irresponsibility

·      ETC….ETC…

 Where do you find yourself?  Accepting His sovereignty? Fearing God by obeying Him brings blessing and peace.  Focusing on God’s purpose for fear frees us to be useful, instead of paralyzed. It motivates us to see what God has in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in and it empowers us to see from His frame of reference and get in harmony with Him and what He is doing. To fear God is to fear sin. To fear sin is to fear God.

 Do you “fear the Lord” and the consequence of your sin?

 This is the “fear” we need to heed…

NOT the fear of future, failure and futility!!


It’s a faith issue…obedience is the fruit of faith…

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on March 13, 2023 and filed under womanhood, Motherhood, spiritual growth.

Jackie's Journey "She's Gone!"

There is a grand exodus taking place today!  The moving van arrives at 9:30 and my life is being altered forever!  My eldest daughter, Christina is moving to North Carolina!  It happened sooo fast!  I am making the adjustment with great difficulty, because we have lived either together or within a few miles of each other for over 50 years.  I have been so blessed and am excited for her new adventure.

 As we went through the exercise of emptying her house with its years of memories and “treasures”, I became acutely aware of what has value and what does not. She has value, things do not!  Life will definitely be different for those of us left behind…her imprint on each of us has been profound.

Philip and Christina 2023

When the girls were small and we were living in the jungles of Panama, I knew one day they would marry and move away from us.  At that time, our young missionary commitment was to “burn out” on the mission field and the foreseeable adjustment was an inevitable supposition. However, God had another plan and has allowed us to be together as family and best friends for half a century!

 Times are changing…separations are inevitable…daily we are hearing of both young and older people just dropping dead! Families are being separated by death and divorce. Children with blood clots and hemorrhages.  Very few of us escape knowing someone in these days that has not left this earth, many abruptly.    I have a class reunion coming up and the list of those who are gone and will not be joining us is long. 

 Every one of us faces physical death.  There is no way of “dodging that bullet”. Godly obedience comes with the promise of long life…but death is inevitable and we are all dying a little each day!

 What we do with the time we have, short as it is, tells us what we value most and where are “treasure” is. When our treasure is eternal, not temporal…we receive the promise of never dying but passing from one life to another…an eternal life.

 In a society where monetary treasures are on the cusp of being devalued to nil, the temporal world is feeling pretty insecure.  If we define our “treasure” by worldly standards we are in deep trouble!

 “Treasures” are the trusts that God gives us until He calls us home. “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” Pr. 24: 4 

 Wisdom is seeing life’s situations from God’s point of view and acting in harmony with Him.

Understanding is application of wisdom and

Knowledge is familiarity gained by insight to (biblical) truth, experience and accumulated facts and reports.”

 As women, are we wise, understanding and “full of knowledge”?

Are our rooms filled with rare and beautiful eternal treasures?

 The realm of tribulation becomes the home of revelation and the resource of knowledge.  “Whoever loves disciple loves knowledge.” Pro. 12: 1   The test!  Do I love discipline?  Discipline is accepting suffering as God’s fastest path to growth and then, giving thanks for it! (My husband’s definition and I’ve had a multitude of opportunities to see it proven!)

 We had better love it, accept it, practice it, and endorse it because scripture states, “He who hates correction is stupid!”  I already fight stupid!  So, for me, it is imperative that I get wisdom, understanding and knowledge, because I want the fruit…” rooms filled with rare and beautiful eternal treasures.”

 How about you?

 My Treasures

People often say that the biggest treasures in life are the people that surround us.  Spurgeon puts this in perspective when he said, “We must keep all earthly treasures out of our heart and let Christ be our treasure, and let him have our heart.”  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Like 12:34

 Who has your heart?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.